Sunday, May 31, 2015

Matching Congregations with Pastors (2 of 2)

Lee Barrett is the Mary B. and Henry P. Stager Chair in Theology, and Professor of Systematic Theology at Lancaster Theological Seminary. In this two-week series, he examines the various types of congregations and the types of ministers that have flourished in recent American history, and reflects upon which variety might be best suited for Derry Presbyterian Church. 

This lecture was presented on Sunday morning, May 31, 2015 at Derry Presbyterian Church, Hershey, Pennsylvania • 65 minutes • 7.4 MB

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Matching Congregations with Pastors (1 of 2)

Lee Barrett is the Mary B. and Henry P. Stager Chair in Theology, and Professor of Systematic Theology at Lancaster Theological Seminary. In this two-week series, he examines the various types of congregations and the types of ministers that have flourished in recent American history, and reflects upon which variety might be best suited for Derry Presbyterian Church. 

This lecture was presented on Sunday morning, May 24, 2015 at Derry Presbyterian Church, Hershey, Pennsylvania • 65 minutes • 7.4 MB

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Horizons Hospice

Rachel Whitesel, Executive Director/RN and Brian Farling, Chaplain/BCC discuss what hospice care entails from both a medical and spiritual perspective.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

What's New with Love INC?

Dee Myrvang, Executive Director of Love INC of Greater Hershey, discusses poverty in Derry Township and gives an update on the organization's work in the community.

This lecture was presented on Sunday morning, May 10, 2015 at Derry Presbyterian Church, Hershey, Pennsylvania •  50 minutes • 5.7 MB

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Who Do We Say That We Are? Religious Films As Witness, Testimony and Self-Profession

Derry member and elder Michael Zeigler shows a clip from "God's Not Dead" and leads a discussion about the intent of the film and its relevance for audiences today, as an introduction to the film class he will present at Derry Church this summer.

This lecture was presented on Sunday morning, May 3, 2015 at Derry Presbyterian Church, Hershey, Pennsylvania • 46 minutes • 5.3 MB